Audio Assignment

Added audio effects to some commonly used blueprints, and allowed the swinging door to become lockable.

  • Used a stapler as the door-locked sound effect because my doorknobs were too quiet.
  • Mixed a shorter stapler noise with the woosh sound (used for the moving platforms) for the door opening sound effect.
  • Created a key pickup sound effect by jangling my many, many keychains.
  • Added an explosion sound to the door disappearing for comedic effect.
  • Made a checkpoint sound in Bfxr and created a variable that stopped the sound effect from playing whenever the player respawned.
  • Lava now triggers a death sound effect when overlapped by the player.
  • Added a woosh sound to the moving platforms and synced it to their movements. 
  • Slightly altered the collision of falling platforms so they make a metallic thud when they hit an object that is not the player.
  • Added a factory ambience to interior rooms and lava gurgling to the outdoor area, with prevalent space ambiance throughout.

I wanted the explosion sound to be garish and bombastic to make it stand out as an unexpected sound for a door to make. The death sound effect was chosen to be harsh and overbearing to make dying seem more of a threat. The checkpoint sound was altered to be chipper so the player knows it's there for their benefit, same with the key. I downplayed the subtle woosh of the moving platforms to make them feel sturdy and unwavering, contrasted with the light clacking of the falling platforms, which feel unsafe to linger on.


Game1Start_Sep09.exe 150 kB
21 days ago

Get Game Design 1

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